
Competition & Consumer Law

Competition & Consumer Law

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Advice and assistance to prevent issues or deal with matters under investigation.

The Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) - including the Australian Consumer Law - impacts the daily life of all businesses in Australia. Understanding the requirements of compliance can be challenging, time consuming and stressful, especially when issued with an alert by the authority.

We advise a broad range of organisations and individuals on the complexities of trade practices and competition and consumer law, including large franchisors, corporates, businesses, directors and officers.

Our clients rely on our detailed knowledge of the legislation and regulatory framework, including the Franchising Code of Conduct, and also the consumer protection provisions applying to financial services under the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act (Cth) 2001.

  • ACCC investigations and prosecutions

  • Anti-competitive conduct, price fixing, and misuse of market power

  • Establishment and maintenance of compliance programs

  • Misleading and deceptive conduct claims

  • Product liability matters, including product recalls

  • Trade practices including ‘at risk’ transactions and applications to ACCC