

Andrew Mutton - Director

Direct +61 2 8255 6927

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Andrew Mutton


Andrew Mutton is a Director in Cowell Clarke’s Corporate and Property teams.

Andrew is highly regarded and experienced in the areas of corporate finance, property transactions, property finance and Australian financial services laws.

His areas of specialisation are:

  • Property-corporate transactions, where he acts on direct real estate acquisitions and sales, property joint ventures and debt financings. This includes establishment of the relevant acquisition or joint venture vehicles and related stamp duty advice.

  • Australian financial services law advice to funds managers and other financial services licensees.  He acts for a number of funds managers in fund establishment, capital raisings, financial services law compliance and Australian Financial Services Licence applications and variations.

Andrew also acts for a number of business clients who he advises on their day-to-day business needs.

Along with his reputation in the market, many clients come to Andrew for his ability ‘to get things done’. Acting as an extension of their business, his role is often as a facilitator, helping them achieve desired business outcomes.

Prior to joining Cowell Clarke, he was a  partner-director in two other law firms.

Expertise Capabilities

  • Real property transactions

  • Managed funds

  • Capital raising for corporations and managed funds

  • Corporations Act issues

  • Loan transactions

  • Company and business acquisitions and disposals

  • Joint ventures and partnerships

  • Private trusts

  • Commercial agreements


  • Acted for 360 Capital Group in establishing the 360 Capital Private Credit Fund, a wholesale multi class contributory mortgage lending fund.  The Fund structure allows investors to have dedicated exposure to particular loans.

  • Acted for Argus Property Partners in a replacement of trustee and investment manager, equity raising and debt refinancing for the Wodonga Plaza Trust, which owns the Wodonga Plaza Shopping Centre in Victoria.  The transaction included a redemption offer for existing investors and a re-setting of the fees applicable to the ongoing Trust management and operations as well as obtaining applicable stamp duty exemptions.

  • Acted for Abadeen Property Group in acquiring multiple development sites across NSW and Queensland, including equity and debt funding and construction contract negotiations.

  • Acted for IPM Property Group in its fund establishment and property acquistitions across multiple funds and properties throughout Sydney.

  • Acted for Boston Global Funds Management in establishing various managed funds and capital raising transactions.

  • Acted for East Sydney Private Hospital in its joint venture acquisition by Medibank Private.

  • Acted for SMS Healthcare and Aussie Medical Care in their ‘roll up’ acquisition of numerous health care professional practices.

