On 30 May 2017, the Minister for Planning released the Inner and Middle Metro (Sites) DPA (Sites DPA) and the Inner and Middle Metro Corridor (Design) DPA (Design DPA) for public consultation.
The Sites DPA initially proposed twelve strategic sites or areas within transit corridors for rezoning. On 20 November, the Sites DPA was approved by the Minister with a reduction in the number of sites for rezoning from twelve to eight. The sites now being rezoned under the sites DPA are:
95 Hackney Road, Hackney;
1-5 Beulah Road, Norwood;
78-80 Rundle Street, Kent Town;
Caroma site – 76 Magill Road, Norwood;
Cappo Seafood site – 12-16 Glen Osmond Road, Parkside;
Former LeCornu site – 10 Anzac Highway, Forestville;
22-28 Anzac Highway, Everard Park;
Marleston TAFE site – 254-262 Richmond Road, Marleston.
Four sites that have been removed from the Sites DPA:
Otto Timber – Magill Road, Stepney;
52-60 The Parade, Norwood;
301-305 Unley Road, Malvern;
6-10 Railway Terrace, Mile End.
The reduction in the number of sites under the Sites DPA was as a result of public consultation responses and State Planning Commission advice. The Minister has stated that the reasons for the reduction in the number of sites is ‘where the community was strongly opposed to the rezoning, and where impacts on adjoining residences would be more difficult to manage.’
The Minister has also approved the Design DPA which is aimed at strengthening the requirements for ‘good design’ and achieving ‘better outcomes for local streets by improving the appearance of new developments and minimising the impact on nearby residents’.
If you would like any further information about the DPAs, please contact Kathryn Walker or one of our team.