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Cowell Clarke - Digital Solutions
Digital Solutions -

WH&S Incident Reporting Solution

When workplace incidents and injuries occur, it is important that those involved know what to do and can get the help they need.

In addition to dealing with the incident, ensuring appropriate responses within the first few hours and days is vital to the impact that the incident will have on the business.

Our solution offers accessibility to legal advice, assistance in dealing with the incident and the obligations that flow from it plus training to ensure personnel maintain an understanding of their immediate response and site preservation obligations.  In addition, our solution confers legal professional privilege on communications via online reporting.

How our solution helps:

  • Accessibility to legally privileged communications with our team;

  • Mobile phone and/or laptop accessibility;

  • Simplified and effective reporting structure to be easily utilised in moments of stress;

  • Annually refreshed incident response training for board members and relevant managers from Cowell Clarke’s employment & workplace relations legal team.